Salesforce Error: Create OBJECT - The content of elements must consist of well-formed character data or markup 

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The content of elements must consist of well-formed character data or markup

When you receive this error, it usually means a field is improperly mapped within a connector.  Usually, a simple remapping of your fields can resolve this issue.


1. In your Salesforce connector, look for any required Salesforce fields that do do not have a value being mapped to them or that say Not Set. Click 'edit' to fix this. Those fields are the ones that are most likely causing this error to be thrown.  

2. If you do not have any fields with this note, then double check that all your fields are mapped and none are being left empty.  

3. If you are still getting this error, you can:

  1. Refresh the Schema. This is a link under the Go to... menu that says, Get new Salesforce Objects.
  2. Delete and remap your fields in the connector.

Additionally, if you are having trouble finding out what input type each field in Salesforce takes, you can click on the "Salesforce Objects Reference" link under the Go to... menu at the top right of your connector.  

From this page, you can explore all the valid input types for each particular Salesforce object.

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