Add & Edit Content

You can add fields, pages, paragraphs, and more to your form.


Add Fields and Sections
Add Fields and Sections At the top left of the Form Builder , you'll find a blue Add Content button. From here, you can add a variety of elements, such as questions, fields, and sections. Overview of Field Types In the Form Builder, a q...
Add Text and Images
Overview Fields aren't the only thing you can add to your forms. You can also add headings, text, and images to improve the look and feel of the form! We'll go over how to add each of these below. Headings In the Form Builder, to add section hea...
Edit the Submit Button
Overview The submit button is arguably the most vital feature in any form. However, not every form has the same needs for its submit button. Editing the submit button is a great way to improve your forms, which improves your overall data collection...
Predefined Content
Overview Predefined content options are commonly used elements that you can save for use in the Form Builder . Several predefined elements are available by default, such as Countries and US States. This list is customizable and can include your...
Editing Tools
Undo/Redo To undo or redo your last action, there are Undo and Redo buttons in the top-right corner next to the Save button. Copy or Move Existing Content To copy an existing field, click on the field, and then select copy this field f...
Multiple Choice Fields and Autosuggest
Introduction Multiple choice fields are fields that contain a list of choices that your form respondents can select from. Types of multiple-choice fields include: Radio Buttons Drop-down Menus Multi-select Lists Checkboxes You can add and ...
Embedding Videos within Forms
Learn how to embed a video on your form.
Validation Rules for Date/Time Predefined Content Field
Learn about the validation rules for our Date/Time predefined content field.
Editing HTML Sections
Learn how to edit HTML sections in the Form Builder.
Address Autocomplete
Introduction Address Autocomplete is a multiple-choice field that pulls a list of possible addresses into the form as a respondent starts to type in their address. Addresses are populated using Google Places API. Address Autocomplete will enter th...
AI Assist
Overview The AI Assist feature uses ChatGPT to return AI-generated content to your form builder. Using natural language, you can ask AI Assist to create a list of multiple-choice options based on any topic you need. Each user on your plan can use ...
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