Salesforce Error: Create/Update OBJECT - entity is deleted 

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Create/Update OBJECT - entity is deleted

If you are receiving this error, it means that one of the record IDs being mapped in your connector is the ID of a deleted record. You can resolve this issue by following the steps below.


1. Go to your Connector Log and determine the step number for where the error occurred.

                              2. Create Contact - Entity is deleted

2. Go to your connector configuration and find the step that you identified in the log.

3. Locate all the record IDs that are being mapped in that step.

4. Check all the record IDs that are being mapped in your Salesforce instance. An easy way to do this is to copy the ID and paste it in the URL after the  .com/

5. In the connector, remove or change the IDs that no longer exist in Salesforce. In the response, edit the IDs in the response.

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