AI Assist 

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The AI Assist feature uses ChatGPT to return AI-generated content to your form builder. Using natural language, you can ask AI Assist to create a list of multiple-choice options based on any topic you need.

Each user on your plan can use AI Assist up to 50 times per calendar month.


  • FormAssembly Team plan or higher

AI Assist on Multi-Select Lists

Use the AI Assist field on the Edit Choices menu to generate multi-select choices using a text prompt. 

To access AI Assist, add a Multi-Select List field to your form and click Choices

From within the Edit Choices menu:

  • Type in your prompt in the AI Assist field and press enter
  • AI Assist will use your prompt to generate a list of options. 
  • The newly generated options will be added to the choice list just below any choices already present in the Edit Choices menu.

Choices generated by AI Assist can be edited, deleted, sorted, and moved like any other manually entered choice. If you would like to clear responses provided by AI Assist, click the Delete All button.

  • Users are limited to 50 AI Assist prompts per calendar month. You can review the number of remaining lookups on the AI Assist feature just above the AI Assist prompt field. The AI Assist Remaining Prompts count is reset on the first of each month.
  • Multi-select lists support a maximum of 500 choices. If AI Assist attempts to return more than 500 responses, you will be notified that we were unable to display the full list of responses. You may modify your prompt to narrow the results.
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