Quick Publish for Form Publishing 

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Quick Publish is a JavaScript-based publishing method. This method offers many of the same benefits as HTML publishing but with a few additional perks. You can use Quick Publish to publish your FormAssembly form into a website as an embedded form, which defaults to display at the bottom of the website.

Generally, we do not advise embedding more than one form on a single page. This can potentially lead to issues and errors.

For information on publishing workflows, please see our article on workflow publishing options.

Retrieve Your Publishing Code

  1. After you have selected Configure for the form you'd like to publish, click Publishing on the left-side menu.
  2. On the Publishing page, you will see a Quick Publish section. 
    • This snippet is to be placed within an existing page. It does not contain the code needed to create a web page.

  3. Click the Copy button to copy the code and then paste it to the code of your website. 
  4. The Quick Publish code references a "data-qp-target-id". To customize where you want your form to appear on your website, you must add a target to your page. If you do not add a target, the form will display at the bottom of your webpage by default.
    • In the example below, we chose to define the target id as "fa-form". 
    • <script src="https://preview.formassembly.com/publish/253" data-qp-target-id="fa-form" defer></script>
    • To place the target on the webpage, we add the following code snippet to the desired location.
    • <div id="fa-form"></div>

Things to Note

There are a few things to note when using this publishing method:

  • The embedding process is the same whether you're embedding a form with one or multiple pages.
  • This publishing method is not available for forms with authentication enabled.
  • You do not need to update your code to reflect changes made to your form.
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