Formula Troubleshooting 

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A## in Formula Output

Any time you see an alias return a response of something like "A26," it means that there was a formula passed inside of a string of numbers or letters.  Additionally, anytime you are using a combination of text and field aliases, you will need to use an @CONCATENATE in your formula, as shown below in step 3.


Note: Spaces and line breaks in the formula can cause errors.

This error most often occurs when you are attempting to prefill a form through a URL and you are also trying to use a formula that mixes text and aliases.

In order to use aliases and text strings together, you will have to use the concatenate formula to produce a correct result. Here is an example which would cause an error:


The true value of this IF statement would come out to something like this:

which would prefill a field with incorrect information.

To solve this, you need to add the concatenate formula in order to produce the correct URL. Here are steps to produce the correct outcome:

  1. Start with the IF condition
  2. Add the true outcome, with a concatenate formula.
    Concatenate formulas should have:
    • Text in quotes.
    • No quotes around aliases
    • Commas between each part.
  3. Add the false outcome, with a concatenate formula, if needed.

    An example combining multiple aliases would look like:


Integers/Numbers Being Cut Off

FormAssembly's formula engine can only handle a maximum integer/number length of 19 digits. This means if you are trying to prefill or use a formula that involves a number longer than 19 digits, it will be cut off. There is no limit for letters, only for numbers.

Important Note

Please note that formulas cannot reference repeatable fields and sections. In addition, JavaScript calculations cannot be used in connectors. 

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