PayPal returns certain error codes when there are processing errors. Below is an example of an error code along with the codes and what they mean.
In this example, you see Error while creating encrypted button (245). This means that the PayPal public certificate was not found and you'll need to go through the PayPal connector process again and upload your public/private key.
Error Codes and What to Do
Error Code | Error Meaning | What to Do |
1 | There was an error writing the data for the encrypted button. | Please reach out to support for assistance. |
2 | There was an error encrypting or signing the certificate for the encrypted button. | Please go through the PayPal Connector setup process again and upload your public/private key. |
3 | There was an error getting the final encrypted button from the certificate file. | Please reach out to support for assistance. |
4 | There was an error adding one or more parameters to the button data. | Please go through your PayPal connector mappings to ensure everything is mapped correctly. |
6 | There was an error getting the certificate ID from the connector configuration. | Please go through the PayPal connector setup process again and upload your public/private key and ensure that the certificate ID is correct. |
25 | There was an error in the creation of the base directory where the generated certificate is held. | Please reach out to support for assistance. |
35 | There was an error in the creation of the temporary directory where the seller information is being held. | Please reach out to support for assistance. |
145 | The form creators private key generated in PayPal was not found. | Please go through the PayPal connector process again and upload your public/private key. |
245 | The form creators public certificate generated in PayPal was not found. | Please go through the PayPal connector process again and upload your public/private key. |
345 | The PayPal public certificate was not found. | Please reach out to support for assistance. |