What does Theme Retirement mean?
Theme Retirement is when an Administrator changes the status of a theme from public to private. A Retired Theme is a private theme that does not belong to a user, but was once a public theme on the instance applied to that user’s form.
What happens when a theme is retired?
When your Administrator changes the status of a theme, that they own, from public to private, they will see:
- The theme marked as a private theme in the Admin Dashboard.
- The theme in the private themes section of the Theme Editor while in the Form Builder.
Meanwhile, all other users on their instance will have the following implications:
- The theme continues to be applied to their form.
- The theme will no longer be available in the public themes section of the Theme Editor while in the Form Builder.
Any forms that have the retired theme attached will retain the theme on the Form Builder canvas, in the Form Builder preview, and on the live forms. However, when the form is opened in the Form Builder with a retired theme applied the user will see a notification stating:
“The applied theme has been retired, please select a new theme.”
A warning note will also appear when the themes sidebar is opened and there is a retired theme applied to the form.
What happens if I leave a retired theme in place?
If no changes in theme selection are made, the retired theme will persist on the form across the canvas, preview, and live form. If the retired theme is changed, there will be no way to apply that theme again EXCEPT:
- By clicking Undo in the Form Builder before exiting that build session
- By reverting the form back to a previous version where the retired theme was applied using the Revision tool.
Additional Notes
PLEASE NOTE: When FormAssembly pushes a theme into retirement, there is no user (admin or author) that “owns” that theme. Because of this, all users (Admin or Author) will have the same implications as if an instance Admin withdrew access to the theme and retired the form.