Creating a New Theme in Form Builder 5 

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Administrators can create themes in the Form Builder. Additionally, they may control which style elements will be exposed when users want to customize the themes admins have created.

This process involves using SCSS to expose the specific elements you want to be customizable.

Details on this process are available below.


  • Essentials plan or above
  • Administrator Permissions

Getting Started

To begin, click the Theme option in the form builder menu and choose Create New Theme

From there, you can add SCSS variables to the Custom CSS section of the theme editor to choose what variables will be exposed to those using and customizing the theme.

Additionally, details on the types of SCSS variables you can use are discussed below.

Variable Syntax

  1. You must use valid SCSS variables. These must start with "$", and will be followed by a valid CSS identifier.  More information is available here.
  2. You must have a valid "type" prefix. The type is defined as the string between the $ character and the first dash "-".
    • Examples:
      • Variable of type "text":  $text-abcdef
      • Variable of type "number" $number-ghijklm
  3. You must have a valid "label". The label is defined as the string following the first dash ("-"). Subsequent dashes indicate spaces.
    • Examples:
      • Label "Input Font": $text-input-font
      • Label "Input Font Size":  $number-input-font-size

Variable Definition Syntax:

  1. You must use a valid SCSS variable definition. It will start with a variable name (as defined above) followed by a colon (":"), a variable value, and terminated with a semi-colon (";").
    • Examples:
      • $text-input-font: helvetica, sans-serif;
      • $number-input-font-size: 12px;
  2. Valid definitions will show up immediately as a Theme Option. If a definition does not appear, its syntax is invalid or not supported.

Valid Type Prefixes

TypeUsageUI Control 
textAny textA text input
lengthA numeric value followed by a size unit (e.g. "px, em")A number input and a drop-down menu with valid unit types
colorA color, 6-digit hex format  (#FFFFFF)A color picker
numberAny numberA number input
rangeA number between 0 and 1A slider
imageA background imageFile picker for image upload
fontA Google Font nameA dropdown menu with select Google Fonts

Supported Length Unit Types

Support length unit types are: em, rem, px, %, ex, ch

Please see this article for more information.

Other units are not widely supported and are not recommended in web page settings.

Theme Source Code

You must use valid CSS code, augmented with the SCSS variable syntax. Other SCSS features are not supported. Syntax errors are currently reported when saving and will prevent the theme from being saved.

You must avoid any attempt to alter the layout of the form. The layout is controlled with the form builder (via wforms-layout.css), and overriding the layout in a Theme would break this Form Builder functionality.

Notable CSS Classes

Class NameUsage Notes
.wFormContainerTop-level container for the entire form, header, and footer included. Container's width is determined by the "Form Width" setting in the Form Builder. Managing the width, min-width or max-width in the Theme is not recommended.
.wFormHeaderArea above the form. Empty. Available for logo. New in Form Builder 5.0.0
.wFormContainer for the entire form, from the form title to the submit button.
.wFormFooterArea below the form. Contains Assistance Link, optional "Powered By FormAssembly" logo, abuse report link. New in Form Builder 5.0.0
.oneFieldTop-level container for a form field (including all checkbox/radio buttons of a multiple-choice field, field label, field hint, and any field-level error message).
Container's width is determined by the "Form Width" setting in the Form Builder. Managing the width, min-width, or max-width in the Theme is not recommended. 
.inputWrapperContainer for the field's input, and optional field hint and delimiters ("text around field" setting in the Form Builder)
.preFieldLabel preceding the input. The width of the label can be controlled in the Form Builder. A default width can be set in the theme.
.postFieldLabel following the input. Applies to checkbox/radio buttons only. 
.oneChoiceContainer for a radio or checkbox option. Includes the input and its label (.postField)
.matrixLayoutTable container for radio/checkbox matrix layout option
.headerRowFor matrix layout only. Table's header row 
.headerColFor matrix layout only. Table's first column, with field labels.
.wfTabNavContainer for optional page navigation.
.wfTabCurrentPageCurrent page in the page navigation
.wfTabA page in the page navigation
.wFormTitleForm Title (H3 element)

Public Theme

Essentials plan customers and above can make themes public for their users. After creating the theme, navigate to: 

Admin Dash > Forms > Form Themes

Look for the theme name. There will be a dropdown arrow beside the Preview button and an option to make it public.

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