Workflow Step - Page Redirect 

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The Page Redirect Step allows you to redirect respondents to a Thank You page or an external page using a URL. 

To add a Page Redirect to your workflow, click the "Add Step" button on your Workflow Builder Map and then select Page Redirect from the dropdown menu. You can also hover over the space between steps in your workflow and the "+" icon will appear.

You can edit or delete a Page Redirect at any time by selecting it on the Map and opening the Properties panel. 

Upon selecting a form in a Form Step, a Page Redirect step will be automatically added to the Map and the form-level redirect configuration will be copied over.

Note: The Redirect Configuration Settings from the selected form will only be copied over once. Any changes made in the Workflow Builder or in the form's specific settings will not affect each other. 

Properties Panel Configuration

Adding a Page Redirect will automatically open the Properties panel so you can configure the step. The Properties panel for this step contains the following tabs: Description and Configure.

You can delete any step by opening the Properties panel for the step and clicking the red "Delete Step" button at the bottom. 

  • Every workflow, and every respondent's path in a workflow, must end with a Page Redirect Step
  • Once a respondent's final form is submitted, the respondent must be sent to a Thank You page or a Redirect URL elsewhere to end their workflow path. If they are not, the process will appear to have an error. Do this by adding a Page Redirect Step.
  • Additionally, any time a workflow switches from one respondent to another (via assignments), a Page Redirect Step is required before the Email Step assigning the workflow to the next respondent.

Description Tab

This tab handles the details of the step itself, such as the Step Name and Step Description.

  • Step Name - This field allows you to give the step a custom name, which can help you differentiate between your steps. It has a default value of "Redirect to Another Page" until manually changed.
  • Step Description - You can use this field to add a description to your step.

Configure Tab

This tab will allow you to customize the Thank You page or Redirect URL which will appear when the respondent reaches this step. 

  • "Thank You" Message - You can use the "Thank You" Message text area to create your Thank You page. 
    • Add and style text, add links and images
    • Reference field and form aliases from any form above this step in the Workflow Builder Map
    • Reference workflow-specific aliases
    • Directly edit the source code of your "Thank You" Message by clicking on the “< >” icon.

  • Redirect URL - Adding a URL to this field will send the respondent to the specified web page instead of showing the Thank You page. Manually enter a URL here, or customize it and create a dynamic URL by using the Formula Editor. If you are not yet familiar with the Formula Editor, learn more about using it to create formulas here.
  • The Formula Editor in the Workflow Builder has some additional aliases when compared to the form-specific Editor. Namely, you can now select fields and aliases from all previous forms when building your formulas. 
  • Selecting these previous forms' fields and aliases in the Formula Editor will create a "super-alias" - these work across multiple forms and steps. 
  • Super-aliases have the following format:  %%[workflow step #]![field alias]%%


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