FormAssembly Formulas


Smart Processing with Formulas
Learn how to use FormAssembly formulas for dynamic form processing
Formula Functions Quick Reference
This page is meant to be a quick reference page for all possible formula functions.
Formulas for Common Uses
Learn the basics for using formulas with FormAssembly
Generic Aliases
Overview There may be times when you would like to include the form or response details in your connector mappings, such as the form name, the response URL, or the date the response was submitted.  We have a number of generic aliases available fo...
Object Alias
Learn about the Salesforce Object Alias
Formula Troubleshooting
Learn how to troubleshoot seeing A## in Formula Output
FormAssembly Functions Update - What To Expect
Overview On March 16, 2023, FormAssembly will be updating the functions used within our product in areas such as connectors, emails, thank you pages, and redirects, to more closely match Excel functions. This change will allow our team to work off ...
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