The Notifications Page


Thank You Page or Redirect
Learn how to create a thank you page or a redirect link to send respondent's to a new page upon form completion.
Email Notifications and Auto-Responder
Learn about form notifications and setting up FormAssembly's Auto-Responder to send out automatic emails when forms are submitted.
Conditional Email Notifications
Learn how to send conditional email notifications to members of your organization based on form responses.
Response Aliases
Learn how you can use response aliases to create dynamic notifications within FormAssembly.
Email Notification Security and Authentication
Email Notification Security and Authentication FormAssembly adheres to common best practices when sending emails including: Using consistent IP addresses when sending bulk emails Keeping valid reverse DNS records for our mailing IP addresses Us...
 Setting up Custom Redirect Formulas and Nesting @IF() Statements
Learn how to use a redirect formula when a form is submitted
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