Release 5.44 

In this Article
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  • The most recent Salesforce API version (v61) is now available for Salesforce connectors.

  • Reported silent failures on Salesforce connectors are now resolved.

  • Respondents should not encounter errors when submitting their responses to a form on an Android device when the auto-format with a mask feature is enabled on one or more fields in that form.

Changes & Bug Fixes

  • Edits of the HTML in an imported email notification step or autoresponder email can be successfully saved.

  • Clicking on the View form link for an connector shows a live form page rather than an error.

  • Forms with no name will have a default name assigned to them so that users can transfer forms seamlessly.

  • Forms can be cloned or transferred without error regardless of the number of connectors on workflows associated with the forms.

  • Adding a default value on radio button fields and then setting it back to None no longer causes an error.
    Selected checkbox values are sent through connectors regardless of whether or not the connector is saved with the “Show choice mapping” section expanded.

  • Theme creators now see the proper parsing error message when saving a theme.

  • Respondents can add as many repeatable sections as needed without error or significant lag time.

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