The Salesforce Connector

Learn how to send data of all types from FormAssembly to Salesforce.


Connecting to Salesforce
Learn how to connect to your Salesforce account from your FormAssembly connector
Look Up an Existing Salesforce Record
Learn how to create a lookup in your Salesforce connector.
Create a New Salesforce Record
Learn how to create a new Salesforce record from a form submission
Update an Existing Salesforce Record
Learn how to Update an Existing Salesforce Record
Testing your Forms and Salesforce Connectors
Introduction One of the most important steps before sending out a form to respondents, is testing. You will want to make sure your form and connectors work exactly how you expect them to, regardless of a respondent's use case. The best way to ensur...
Creating Salesforce Attachment Records
Learn how to Work with File Uploads and Salesforce Attachments
FormAssembly API Calls when Using the Salesforce Connector
Learn more about the API calls FormAssembly makes when using the Salesforce Connector.
Field Mapping & Required Fields
Learn about field mapping within the Salesforce connector
Field Mapping: Multiple Choice Fields, Send-As Values, Checkboxes
Learn how to Work with Multiple Choice Fields, Send-As Values, and Checkboxes
Repeatable Fields & Sections with Salesforce
Learn About Working with Repeatable Fields & Sections with Salesforce
Linking Records in the Salesforce Connector
Learn how to link records in the Salesforce connector
Create Dependent Objects
Learn How to Create Dependent Objects
Sending Response PDFs to Salesforce
Introduction When setting up your Salesforce Connector, you can choose to send a PDF of the response to Salesforce. This feature supports all Salesforce Objects, including Attachments, ContentVersion (Files), and more.  Contents of the PDF incl...
The Salesforce Save Connector
Learn how to create and update Salesforce records when a form is saved.
Reauthenticate your Salesforce Connector
Introduction There are some cases where you might need to reauthenticate or change the authenticated account for your Salesforce connector.  You might be switching from Sandbox to Production accounts, you might be adding a new user to your organi...
Connector Options & Triggers
Learn about Salesforce Connector trigger options
Using the "Like" Operator in the Salesforce Connector
Learn about using the "Like" operator in the Salesforce connector
Sending a Form Upload to Salesforce Files
Learn how to send uploads to Salesforce Files
Households in Salesforce
Learn about Household Objects
Conditionally Create or Update Records in Salesforce: Skip-if Formula
Learn how to use a Skip-if formula in the Salesforce Connector
Salesforce Auto-Number, Formula, and Lookup Fields
In general, FormAssembly does not have access to Salesforce Auto-Numbering, Formula, and Lookup fields. This is due to Salesforce's API and the types of fields that FormAssembly can access.  However, there are occasional situations where these fi...
Record Type IDs
Learn about Record Type IDs
Skip Salesforce Connector Steps when No Payment is Made
Learn how to skip a step in your Salesforce connector when no payment is made.
Working with Salesforce Notes & Enhanced Notes
Learn how to link Salesforce notes to other contact records.
Link Records in Salesforce with Lookup Relationship Fields
Learn how to link multiple records within Salesforce
Creating Tasks in Salesforce with FormAssembly
Introduction Tasks allow you to track activities as a to-do list in Salesforce. You can relate tasks to records for leads, contacts, campaigns, contracts, and more! Tasks are assigned to specific Salesforce users and can be either single or recurri...
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