Updated Articles

  1. Release 5.84

    Changes & Bug Fixes Addressed an issue where the SharePoint connector configuration tab times out under certain conditions ...
  2. Release 5.83

    Changes & Bug Fixes Infrastructure updates and improvements.
  3. Sending a Form Upload to Salesforce Files

    Learn how to send uploads to Salesforce Files
  4. Add Fields and Sections

    Add Fields and Sections At the top left of the Form Builder , you'll find a blue Add Content button. From here, you can add a variety of elements, such as questions, fields, and sections. Overview of Field Types In the Form Builder, a q...
  5. FormAssembly Mobile App

    Overview Our FormAssembly mobile app makes data collection on-the-go simple! You can now fulfill business processes and duties in the field and away from your desktop with ease. While this app cannot be used for form creation or editing, it can b...
  6.  Adding and Updating Payment Methods

    Learn how to add or update your existing payment method within FormAssembly.
  7. Styling PDFs

    Introduction With our new PDF features, we have also included the ability to define at the account or admin levels, custom headers and footers for your generated PDFs by using HTML and CSS. When defined, these will display on every page of the PDF ...
  8. Advanced Branding: Change Browser Tab Icon

    This article will walk you through how to replace the default icon in your browser tab (also known as a "favicon") with an icon of your choosing so you can give your forms a more customized look. Requirements To modify your form's browser tab i...
  9. GoToWebinar Integration

    Learn how to use our HTTPS connector to integrate with GoToWebinar
  10. Zapier Integration

    Disclaimer : This article describes a use case provided by a FormAssembly user. FormAssembly is unable to guarantee the behavior of 3rd-party applications. Overview This article describes how to create an integration with Zapier and FormAssem...
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