Updated Articles

  1. Release 5.42

    5.42 Changes & Bugfixes Excel Connector performance improvements 5.42.1 Highlights Creating Excel Connectors now offers new controls and updated capabilities. Multiple Forms Mapping : No more one-size-fits-all approach! Now you...
  2. Workflow Step - Add a Connector

    Introduction The Connector Step allows you to exchange data between forms in your workflow and external sources. To add this step to your workflow, click the " Add Step " button on your Map and then select Add a Connector from the ...
  3. Microsoft Excel Connector

    Overview Connect form responses directly to your Microsoft Excel Workbooks with the Microsoft Excel Connector . With the Microsoft Excel Connector, you can now quickly and easily access your response data within Excel for data processing and ana...
  4. SFMC: ExactTarget Prefill Connector

    Learn how to prefill information from Salesforce Marketing Cloud
  5. Form Calculations

    Introduction Form fields can be computed using formulas . These formulas may reference other fields in your form using variables . Formulas are written in JavaScript and executed by the browser when filling out the form. These formulas and va...
  6. Salesforce Experience Cloud Authentication

    Learn how to use Salesforce Experience Cloud Authentication with your FormAssembly forms
  7. Release 5.41

    Highlights Customers using SPF flattening or macros should be able to successfully verify a sender email address if our SPF record is published on their domain. Any new sender emails must go through the email verification process. Users c...
  8. Preventing Spam Responses

    Stop Spam Spam is unfortunately an inescapable part of the modern internet.   While there is no 100% surefire way to prevent all spam, there are a variety of steps you can take to reduce and minimize spam submissions. In this document, we&...
  9. Save & Resume

    Learn how you can setup your FormAssembly forms to be saved and resumed by form respondents.
  10.  Salesforce Prefill Connector

    Learn how to use the Salesforce Prefill Connector
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