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  1. PayPal Error Codes

    Overview PayPal returns certain error codes when there are processing errors.  Below is an example of an error code along with the codes and what they mean. Example In this example, you see Error while creating encrypted button (245). &n...
  2. Skipping Subscriptions or One-Time Charges in a Payment Connector

    Learn how to skip one-time or recurring charges in your payment connector.
  3. Manage Identity Providers for Forms

    Overview FormAssembly’s Single Sign-On (SSO) is a powerful tool to guard against unintended form access and reduce spam. Team plans and above can use FormAssembly’s Identity Provider Management capabilities to allow users to set up SS...
  4. Add HotJar Analytics to a Form

    Add a HotJar tracking code to your form to track analytics: including features like heatmaps, visitor recordings, conversion funnels, form analysis, and feedback polls.
  5. CAS Prefill Connector

    Learn how to prefill information through the CAS prefill connector
  6. Updating Your Plan and Password

    Learn how you can update your FormAssembly plan and password.
  7. How to Resolve "Cannot send message without a sender address" Error

    Learn how you can resolve the "Error Sending Email With Message-ID fa_Message" error.
  8. Completion Rate Information

    Completion Rate The completion rate is the amount of people who completed your form divided by the number of people who visited your form. When accessing the FormAssembly form link directly (or if you are embedding your form with an iframe), ...
  9. FreshBooks Connector

    Learn how to use the Freshbooks connector to process payments
  10. SCA and the Stripe Connector

    What is SCA? Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) is a new European regulatory requirement which is meant to make online payments more secure and reduce fraud. SCA requires authentication to use at least two of the following three elements: Somet...
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