Updated Articles

  1.  Loqate Field Validations

    Learn how to integrate Postcode Anywhere with a FormAssembly form.
  2. The Form Audit Logs

    Introduction The Form Audit Logs can be incredibly useful when troubleshooting your forms. This tool provides you with an overview of exactly how the form is set up, and what types of features the form is utilizing.  You can access the Audit ...
  3. Grant Access Feature for Enterprise Administrators

    Learn about FormAssembly's Grant Access feature
  4. Stripe Connector

    Learn how to process form payments with our Stripe connector
  5. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Form Compliance

    Learn how to acknowledge that the EU's GDPR applies to your FormAssembly use.
  6. Hyperlink text

    Introduction Hyperlink text in your form with the click of a button!  Please Note:  Hyperlinks within field labels and field options/choices open in the same tab, not in a separate tab.  Each link that you create is set to op...
  7. Autocomplete

    What is Autocomplete? Many browsers contain features that can help users fill in web forms automatically. For example, they could prefill the user's address or contact details based on previously filled-in forms. Users can also set up their own...
  8. Salesforce Error: Required Fields are Missing

    Learn how to resolve common Salesforce connector issues
  9. SCA and the Stripe Connector

    What is SCA? Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) is a new European regulatory requirement which is meant to make online payments more secure and reduce fraud. SCA requires authentication to use at least two of the following three elements: Somet...
  10.  Prefill Through the URL

    Learn how to prefill data into your forms through the URL
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