Updated Articles

  1. Working with the FormAssembly API

    Learn how to use the FormAssembly API to interact with third party integrations.
  2.  Resend Response through a Connector

    Learn how to resend a response through a connector
  3.  Salesforce Form Import Tool

    Learn about the Salesforce Import Tool
  4. Connector Timeline Configuration

    Learn about configuring the FormAssembly Connector Timeline
  5. Theme Retirement

    What does Theme Retirement mean?  Theme Retirement is when an Administrator changes the status of a theme from public to private. A Retired Theme is a private theme that does not belong to a user, but was once a public theme on the instance ap...
  6. Theme Customization Controls

    Overview This document outlines the standardized controls used in FormAssembly themes.  You have 36 options to control within the form builder, but if you'd like to stylize your form even more, you can use the controls below along with you...
  7.  Setting up Custom Redirect Formulas and Nesting @IF() Statements

    Learn how to use a redirect formula when a form is submitted
  8. Response Aliases

    Learn how you can use response aliases to create dynamic notifications within FormAssembly.

    Learn about FormAssembly's CAPTCHA feature
  10. Review Before Submit

    Learn how respondents can preview their forms before submission
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