Updated Articles

  1. SAML Setup with Salesforce

    Learn how to use SAML authentication in conjunction with Salesforce
  2. Add Discount Codes to a Form

    Learn how to add percent-based and dollar-based discount codes into your form.
  3. Creating a New Theme in Form Builder 5

    Overview Administrators can create themes in the Form Builder. Additionally, they may control which style elements will be exposed when users want to customize the themes admins have created. This process involves using SCSS to expose the specific...
  4. Sensitive Data

    About Sensitive Data If you are collecting sensitive data in your form, you can use FormAssembly's Sensitive Data Feature to indicate which specific fields contain that data. This is useful for compliance with the GDPR , HIPAA, or forms coll...
  5. LDAP/Active Directory Authentication

    Learn how to use LDAP authentication with your FormAssembly forms
  6. CAS Authentication

    Learn how to use CAS authentication with your FormAssembly forms
  7.  Adding and Updating Payment Methods

    Learn how to add or update your existing payment method within FormAssembly.
  8. Formula Functions Quick Reference

    This page is meant to be a quick reference page for all possible formula functions.
  9. Workflow Step - Approval

    Introduction The Workflow Approval feature enables you to map and build approval processes into your workflow, bridging the gap between various business process components. This feature is particularly beneficial when validating data collection pro...
  10. Mobile Responsiveness Tips

    Mobile Responsiveness Tips Note: Respondents with outdated versions of iOS/Android may experience issues when displaying the form. Forms, fields, and sections can now better adapt to the screen size of the viewing device. This includes dropdo...
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