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  1.  Menu Dependencies

    About Menu Dependencies Menu Dependencies may be used to shorten long drop-down menus and de-clutter menu choices by removing irrelevant options from your respondent’s view. Using a parent-child relationship, menu dependencies between two dro...
  2. Field Mapping & Required Fields

    Learn about field mapping within the Salesforce connector
  3. Form Name & Form Title

    Form Title and Form Name There are two different locations and ways to identify your form.  The title is for external identification, meaning it can be visible to your respondents, and when it is enabled - will appear at the top of your form ...
  4.  Setting up Custom Redirect Formulas and Nesting @IF() Statements

    Learn how to use a redirect formula when a form is submitted
  5. Field Layout, Matrix, Likert Scales, Grids, & Columns

    Checkboxes and Radio Buttons Layout To change the layout of individual checkboxes and radio buttons: Select your question and click the Options button to open the editing sidebar . Select Presentation from the sidebar. Select your layo...
  6. Repeatable Fields & Sections

    Overview You can create repeating questions and sections in FormAssembly Forms. Repeatable questions allow respondents to give more than one answer. This is useful for forms such as job applications, where an applicant may need to add multiple ref...
  7. Prefill Related Objects and Records with the Salesforce Prefill Connector

    Overview You can use the Salesforce Prefill Connector to prefill a form with values from related objects and records using only one parameter in the URL. This can be helpful for creating a short and simple URL while still maintaining complex...
  8. Form Analytics

    Overview Form Analytics allows users (with permission enabled) to gain deeper insight into their forms with the availability of metrics such as conversion and abandonment rates and other factors that affect form performance. Note : At this time,...
  9. Template Administration

    Learn how to manage templates from the admin dashboard
  10. Add Text and Images

    Overview Fields aren't the only thing you can add to your forms. You can also add headings, text, and images to improve the look and feel of the form! We'll go over how to add each of these below. Headings In the Form Builder, to add sec...
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