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  1.  Conditional Questions

    Introduction Conditional logic (also called branching or skip logic) helps make your form simpler and easier to fill out by hiding questions that are not relevant to specific answers. You can add conditional rules to individual fields, sections (...
  2.  Salesforce Prefill Connector

    Learn how to use the Salesforce Prefill Connector
  3. Stripe Connector

    Learn how to process form payments with our Stripe connector
  4. Salesforce Error: "Attempted to add a campaign member where either the member id 'null'..."

    Error When creating campaign members in Salesforce, you must link them to both a campaign and a contact or, a campaign and a lead.  To do this, you will need to map those respective IDs in your connector. If you do not map a campaign ID and a...
  5. Compare Publishing Options

    Learn about the different form publishing options that are available within FormAssembly.
  6. Formula Functions Quick Reference

    This page is meant to be a quick reference page for all possible formula functions.
  7. Save & Resume

    Learn how you can setup your FormAssembly forms to be saved and resumed by form respondents.
  8. Formatting Issues in Field Labels

    Introduction When copying and pasting into FormAssembly, there is often formatting carried over from where the information was copied. This will cause the text to have a yellow background or show as a different font type. Steps In order to clear...
  9. Dataset List

    Managing Datasets The Dataset List makes it easy to manage datasets you've imported to use with our Autosuggest feature . Datasets are useful when you want users to be able to choose from lists of options too long for a dropdown menu. To acc...
  10. Formula Troubleshooting

    Learn how to troubleshoot seeing A## in Formula Output
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