Popular Articles

  1. Reports

    Learn about FormAssembly's response reports
  2. Role Permissions

    Overview We’re excited to officially launch a new licensing model and Permissions Packages for all multi-user FormAssembly plans! This document covers the legacy Enterprise and Compliance Cloud plans. Once your instance has been updated, you...
  3. Autocomplete

    What is Autocomplete? Many browsers contain features that can help users fill in web forms automatically. For example, they could prefill the user's address or contact details based on previously filled-in forms. Users can also set up their own...
  4. Workflow Responses

    Introduction Thanks to FormAssembly Workflow, forms are no longer single-purpose data collection tools. A single form can be used in numerous workflows to further countless customer journeys. As an individual piece of multiple data collection puzzl...
  5. Form Collaboration

    Learn how you can collaborate and share your FormAssembly forms with other members of your organization.
  6. Progress Bar

    Introduction When creating a multi-page form, a progress bar can be added to the respondent’s view to visually represent the percentage of the form that has been completed as they progress. This will help to reduce drop-off rates and improve ...
  7. Connecting to Salesforce

    Learn how to connect to your Salesforce account from your FormAssembly connector
  8. User Management and Licensing

    Overview As an administrator of your FormAssembly instance, you can add, deactivate, restore, or edit users. You are also able to set and refine the permissions available to your users.  Requirements Must be part of an Essentials plan or...
  9. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Form Compliance

    Learn how to acknowledge that the EU's GDPR applies to your FormAssembly use.
  10. AI Assist

    Overview The AI Assist feature uses ChatGPT to return AI-generated content to your form builder. Using natural language, you can ask AI Assist to create a list of multiple-choice options based on any topic you need. Each user on your plan can use ...
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