Updated Articles

  1. Workflow Assignments

    Introduction When using FormAssembly Workflow to create a customer journey, you may require data from multiple form respondents. Our Workflow Assignments feature adds the ability to easily assign someone to a Form Step in your Workflow Builder. Thi...
  2. Data Retention - Deleted Responses

    Learn how enterprise admins can restore deleted responses
  3. Theme Editor Version 2.0

    Learn how to style your form with FormAssembly's Theme Editor 2.0
  4. Address Autocomplete

    Introduction Address Autocomplete is a multiple-choice field that pulls a list of possible addresses into the form as a respondent starts to type in their address. Addresses are populated using Google Places API. Address Autocomplete will enter th...
  5.  Menu Dependencies

    About Menu Dependencies Menu Dependencies may be used to shorten long drop-down menus and de-clutter menu choices by removing irrelevant options from your respondent’s view. Using a parent-child relationship, menu dependencies between two dro...
  6. Repeatable Fields & Sections

    Overview You can create repeating questions and sections in FormAssembly Forms. Repeatable questions allow respondents to give more than one answer. This is useful for forms such as job applications, where an applicant may need to add multiple ref...
  7. Adobe Marketo Measure Integration

    Overview The Adobe Marketo Measure (previously Bizible) integration works on embedded forms, including forms that are in an iframe. This allows you to collect tracking data for your forms including web source, medium, keyword, visitors, cookies, an...
  8. Authorize.net Connector

    Learn how to use the Authorize.net connector to process payments
  9. Editing Tools

    Undo/Redo To undo or redo your last action, there are Undo and Redo buttons in the top-right corner next to the Save button. Copy or Move Existing Content To copy an existing field, click on the field, and then select copy this field f...
  10. Custom Domains

    Overview Custom domains are able to be used on your FormAssembly forms in order to mask the domain portion of your form links. So instead of the following link: [Your chosen instance name].tfaforms.net/123456 where 123456 is the form ID, your res...
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