Updated Articles

  1. Secure File Scan

    Overview Improve your security by enabling Secure File Scan to check all incoming file upload field attachments on submitted forms and workflows. After a form is submitted, Secure File Scan checks all attachments for viruses and displays the result...
  2.  Reading the Connector Log

    Learn the basics of the FormAssembly connector log
  3. HTTPS Connector Setup

    Learn how to use FormAssembly's HTTPS Connector
  4. Setting Up Legacy Workflows

    Learn how to build a FormAssembly workflow to connect multiple forms together.
  5. FormAssembly Functions Update - What To Expect

    Overview On March 16, 2023, FormAssembly will be updating the functions used within our product in areas such as connectors, emails, thank you pages, and redirects, to more closely match Excel functions. This change will allow our team to work off ...
  6. Chargent Connector

    Learn how to use the Chargent connector to process payments
  7. Formulas for Common Uses

    Learn the basics for using formulas with FormAssembly
  8. Workflow Step - Go To Step

    Introduction The Go To Step allows you to direct your workflow to a previous or future step, or even to a step that is on another Path! To add this step to your workflow, click the " Add Step " button on your Map and then select Go To...
  9. Workflow Step - Page Redirect

    Introduction The Page Redirect Step allows you to redirect respondents to a Thank You page or an external page using a URL.  To add a Page Redirect to your workflow, click the " Add Step " button on your Workflow Builder Map and t...
  10. Workflow Step - Conditional Ruleset

    Introduction The Conditional Step allows you to conditionally route your workflow to one or more paths based on one or more rules. You can even customize the conditional logic for these rules!  To add this step to your workflow, click the &qu...
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