Updated Articles

  1. Enable IP Anonymization for Form Respondents

    Learn how to anonymize the IP addresses for form respondents
  2. Available Templates List

    Currently default templates are not automatically available on Enterprise and Compliance Cloud accounts. If you are on an Enterprise or Compliance Cloud plan and would like to have any of the listed templates transferred to your account, you can do ...
  3. Multiple Choice Fields and Autosuggest

    Introduction Multiple choice fields are fields that contain a list of choices that your form respondents can select from. Types of multiple-choice fields include: Radio Buttons Drop-down Menus Multi-select Lists Checkboxes You can add and ed...
  4. Dataset List

    Managing Datasets The Dataset List makes it easy to manage datasets you've imported to use with our Autosuggest feature . Datasets are useful when you want users to be able to choose from lists of options too long for a dropdown menu. To acc...
  5. Advanced Branding: Change Browser Tab Icon

    This article will walk you through how to replace the default icon in your browser tab (also known as a "favicon") with an icon of your choosing so you can give your forms a more customized look. Requirements In order to modify your for...
  6. Thank You Page or Redirect

    Learn how to create a thank you page or a redirect link to send respondent's to a new page upon form completion.
  7. Advanced Branding: Add a Header and Footer

    Overview If you're a Premier plan user or Essentials plan and above user, you'll find the Branding feature on the General Settings page. Click the Define a header and footer for your forms link to open the Branding Editor: Account ...
  8. GoToWebinar Integration

    Learn how to use our HTTPS connector to integrate with GoToWebinar
  9. Which Payment Connector Should I Use?

    Use our guide to decide which payment connector is best for your needs
  10. CapsuleCRM Integration

    Learn how to use our HTTPS connector to integrate with CapsuleCRM
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