Popular Articles

  1. Marketing Cloud Account Engagement (Previously Pardot) Integration

    Learn how to use our HTTPS connector to send data to Pardot
  2. Connector Timeline Configuration

    Learn about configuring the FormAssembly Connector Timeline
  3. Branding & Style Administration

    Learn how to applying branding and styling from the admin dashboard
  4. Workflow Collaboration

    Introduction From the workflow Collaboration page, workflow owners may share their workflow with others, or transfer workflow ownership to another user. Adding collaborators to a workflow allows a workflow owner to easily share the workflow managem...
  5. Field Hints / Contextual Help

    Introduction A hint is a helpful little companion to a form field. They give you handy clues and directions about what's needed. Read more on our blog . You can also see our example form for hints in action, or get the template . Add a...
  6. Record Type IDs

    Learn about Record Type IDs
  7. Connector Options & Triggers

    Learn about Salesforce Connector trigger options
  8. Link Records in Salesforce with Lookup Relationship Fields

    Learn how to link multiple records within Salesforce
  9. Form Builder Version

    I've been notified that a new Form Builder version is available. What does that mean? We regularly update the Form Builder to address issues and add new features. Sometimes, we decide to release an update as an official new version . A new ...
  10. Add Discount Codes to a Form

    Learn how to add percent-based and dollar-based discount codes into your form.
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