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  1. Salesforce Error: Bad value for restricted picklist

    Learn how to resolve the Salesforce error " Bad value for restricted picklist"
  2. Editing HTML Sections

    Learn how to edit HTML sections in the Form Builder.
  3. FormAssembly and Salesforce

    Introduction FormAssembly and Salesforce are a match made in heaven. With FormAssembly’s simple, yet powerful data collection and Salesforce’s robust CRM, your data is in good hands! Your FormAssembly forms can work with Salesforce in...
  4. Grant Access Feature for Enterprise Users

    Learn how you can grant access to your FormAssembly account to our customer success team and to members of your organization.
  5. Workflow Assignments

    Introduction When using FormAssembly Workflow to create a customer journey, you may require data from multiple form respondents. Our Workflow Assignments feature adds the ability to easily assign someone to a Form Step in your Workflow Builder. Thi...
  6. Incomplete Responses

    Learn how to manage incomplete form responses
  7. Salesforce Error: Use one of these records?

    Error Use one of these records? Normally, this error relates to the Salesforce's Standard Duplicate rule.  If you have this rule enabled, it'll be showing an alert every time you are trying to create a duplicate record. This issu...
  8. Tray.io Integration

    Tray.io Integration This document covers how to send data from FormAssembly to Tray.io. Once data is sent to Tray.io it can be sent to another software application. For this example, we will be sending data from FormAssembly to Tray.io to Constant ...
  9. Introducing the Forms Page and Forms List

    What is the Forms List? The Forms Page is the screen you see directly after logging into FormAssembly. From this page, you can create, clone or edit forms, view responses, build workflows, and more.  This page also contains the Forms List ...
  10. Prefill Lookups Using Secure Parameters

    Learn how to use secure lookup parameters for prefilling
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